New T-shirt Designs!

I like having options. That's why this game has so many different fart sounds! So I whipped up a few new t-shirt designs. Remember that there's a sale going on until February 1.

So much ToDo

Just thinking out loud - so I might as well type it down. Getting near the end of January so I only have a little time to get stuff working. I need to think about Scope Creep and limiting how much I bite off so that I'm sure I can chew it all.

The Flatulent Newsletter

An important part of promoting anything is having an email list - and now I've started one. And it's from a service that's free to use:

I don't know Godot well

I've been programming computers since the 70's (got my TRS-80 in 1979), so I know programming, but I don't know Godot-specific things.